Sunday, 13 December 2015

Evaluation Plan.


This is my Final Draft of My Music Magazine Afro Vibe.

With the front cover Page i started of not knowing what to write for the sell lines and a title for the image, then when i go that sorted it went to not knowing where to place the title for the image of the models then i decided to put it at the bottom of the page. During the process me teacher told me i was breaking the rule of having 4 colour scheme when the limit is 3 and i explained how it matched my genre of an African culture which is alot of colours and i was told in my feedback how i should limit the colours because it was too distracting. So overall, i've done alot of changing the title of the models and limiting the colours. And i now that i have changed it, the first one looked amateur to the one i have now.

The double page i just used the colours more wisely and made sure the layout was alright and same for contents page.
However, the magazine looks good altogether and the front magazine was the hardest.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Audience Research Music Magazine - AfroVibe.

This is the feedback i got on my final draft on AfroVibe. The feedback was much better than the previous feedbacks because i only had one thing that i could improve on.